A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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Hello, I'm glad you visited the official page of my very first game Dungeon Dreams. This game was made for final exams 2020. Afterwards I'm planning to continue. I'll add more levels, enemies, features.

If you have any question or suggestion, don't worry to write me.


Dalimil was going out with princess Isabelle. They went to the Forbidden Forest. Unfortunately, they met a dragon which kidnapped princess. You found the dungeon the dragon brought princess to. Your task is to kill all enemies and find keys to save princess.

source code

More games by Online Vision Gaming: Online Vision


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Dungeon Dreams 1.1.5.zip 19 MB
Dungeon Dreams 24 MB

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not a bad game at all. i would really love a version in english so i can understand whats going on.

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

It should be repaired now. Try to download it again. Thank you for warning.